Thursday, January 16, 2014

What's In A Home?

Image Courtesy of  Sira Anamwong/

Today has been a super relaxing day for me. Yesterday, I was able to take care of a few tasks, which left me today to do whatever it is I wanted. With my goal to try and watch less TV, I decided to catch up on a few books and pamper myself!

One thing I try and do is make sure to take a few minutes after doing some things online and before plopping down for a reading session is to tidy - up the house. Usually (well, maybe every now and then) it takes about 30 minutes to tidy up the entire place.

This got me thinking about what my favorite aspect of our home is. Even though there are lots of changes we would like to make in the future, it's a really great size for the two of us.

It might be that we are minimalists at heart and hate bringing stuff in (because that means it needs to be cleaned and put away some place) but also we enjoy what we have and talk about what else we want to bring into the home. Being able to keep our home clean, and have the time to do whatever activity is calling to us that day is what I absolutely love.

How about you? What's one aspect of your home that you completely adore and couldn't live without? 


  1. We love the back yard. There is a lot we want to do to it, but we have never had a yard before, so it is really special to us!

    1. It sometimes takes a long time do something special with that space. Hopefully you can make use of it this coming summer after this harsh winter!

  2. I really enjoy the porch/deck we built around the front of the home. It's nice to sit outside and have dinner or a drink with the family and watch the sun fade away!

    1. I've always loved porches! And the best part is that you can enjoy all your hard work for years to come!
